Join us as we switch on the lights to our annual Christmas Tree Festival.
All are invited to begin the evening with Choral Evensong from 5.30pm – 6.15pm, which will be followed by the Christmas Tree Festival lights switch on. This will include an intimate carol service and viewing hour will follow from 6.30pm – 7.30pm with a glass of Prosecco or a soft drink alternative.
This year, there will be 80 Christmas trees adorned with thousands of twinkly lights throughout the Cathedral. The Cloisters, the Nave & South Transept, the Chapter House, and 'Twinkle Zone' will be decorated, as well as two 14 foot trees outside the front of the Cathedral to welcome you in.
Be the first to see the Christmas Tree light up the Cathedral on this special preview night before the festival opens to the public on Friday 22 November.