You can help us with our work
It costs us over £6,000 a day to keep Chester Cathedral open, and to help maintain our magnificent building.
Our operations depend on the kindness of individuals like yourself. At present it costs nearly £6000 a day to maintain this architectural gem and it’s the generosity of our congregation and visitors that helps us to meet these expenses. However, with the cost-of-living crisis and our commitment to providing a fair living wage to all our staff, the economic climate has affected our ability to meet these rising operational costs. Establishing a regular donation allows us to predict our income, enabling us to fulfil our fundamental roles as a place of worship, heritage, and community hub.
Other ways to send your donation
Regular donations
Standing orders
This is our preferred method as it is more secure for you and our bank charges are reduced. Please contact your bank and request a standing order to be sent to our account.
Bank: Natwest
Name: The Chapter of Chester Cathedral
Sort-code: 60-40-08
Account No.: 79830625
They will ask you for the amount you wish to donate, the date each month and a reference. If you could use your name as the reference we can check the donation reaches us and ensure your donation is used as you intend.
Irregular or larger donations
Please send any donations to our account, details above. As with Standing Orders, this is our preferred method.
Please make all cheques out to ‘Chester Cathedral’ and send to the Cathedral office.
Please do not send cash through the post. Any cash donations should be given to the finance staff in the Cathedral office, details below. Please include your name and reason for the donation. We will give you a receipt for the donation for your records.
As with all donations, please send an email or letter to the Cathedral explaining how and when the donation was made and, if appropriate, where you would like the donation to be used. In this way we can ensure your kind donation is recorded correctly and used as you would wish. If you have any questions, please contact the Cathedral Offices