Project Discovery - Chester Cathedral

Project Discovery

Regeneration of 30 St Werburgh Street

Developing 30 St Werburgh Street, the former Kings School and Barclays bank, will increase visibility of the Cathedral’s, expand its cultural offer and help connect further with city communities.


For major donations, please contact Suzi Bailey, Project Manager at [email protected].  To give directly to Project Discovery, by BACS or regular giving, please scroll to the bottom of the page.

Discovery is the first step which leads to transformative experiences:

  • Discovery of community, friendship and support
  • Discovery of culture, heritage and art
  • Discovery of self through learning and training

Project Discovery gives Chester Cathedral the opportunity to develop these, benefitting Chester as a whole; driving the visitor economy, caring for the community and revitalising the heritage of our beautiful city.

What Project Discovery will deliver

Visibility and Presence

  • Signage
  • Clear entrance and reveal
  • Street-front bookable space
  • Accessible support


  • Cathedral collections on display
  • Alternating art installations
  • Performance space
  • Exhibitions


  • Learning and training for all ages
  • Well-being provision
  • Environmentally and organisationally sustainable
  • Improved facilities for Cathedral volunteers

Donate to support this vital project

Help us to achieve Project Discovery by contributing today, Just Giving makes donating quick and easy. You can leave us a message or donate anonymously.

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Why Support Project Discovery?

Here's why the project is so important to both the Cathedral and the city centre.


Facilitate social engagement and meet the needs of the local community, enhancing the diversity and inclusiveness of our audiences and the benefits that arise from working with us

Accessible Space

Enable Chester Cathedral to become more open and easily accessible, convening an ever more diverse range of city partners to provide support, learning and insight into the history of the Cathedral and city


Enhance the interpretive offer of this important site to visitors both within Chester Cathedral and across the wider estate and capitalise on opportunities for specialist heritage skills training and visitor engagement, while unlocking the hidden treasures that the cathedral has to offer

More Visitors

Increase footfall into the building, on which the commercial sustainability of Chester Cathedral depends by optimising the use of space and enhancing its sustainable operation

Other ways to donate to Project Discovery

Help us to achieve Project Discovery by contributing a one-off donation, or giving regularly.

Bank Transfer

You can donate by bank transfer:
Bank: Natwest
Name: The Chapter of Chester Cathedral

Sort-code: 60-40-08

Account No.: 79830625
Reference: please use 'Discovery' and your surname as your reference

Donate Regularly

Contact your bank and request a standing order to be sent to our account, they will ask you for the amount you wish to donate, the date each month and a reference. Use ‘Discovery’ and then your name as the reference.

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It costs £6,000 a day to care for our historic building and to maintain our worship and music tradition. We rely on the kindness and generosity of people like you to power our work.