Advent 3: A Sustainable Christmas

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In amongst the busyness of Christmas, it can be difficult to take a moment, step back, and reflect on our ways of doing things. 

Being sustainable is on our minds as a community more and more as we see and feel the effects of climate change. Our Sustainability Group have put together a few different ways you can reduce your carbon footprint and make your Christmas more sustainable this year. Read below and listen to Canon Richard in this video (on Facebook, Instagram, and X).

Easy changes to make this year:

  • Switch to LED lightbulbs
  • Consciously choose recyclable cards and gift wrap (don’t forget to reuse gift bags you have received in the past!)
  • Consider your methods of travel to and from Christmas parties and family gatherings
  • Make decorations
  • Don't over-cater! And if you buy too much food, try to share it around your community of appropriately compost.
  • Avoid single-use gifts

If you are responsible for or involved with a church, have a read of the Church of England’s recommendations for an eco-Christmas here.

Which changes can you try to make this year?


Richard Walker

Canon Diocesan

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